Cloud Computing


Finbros Cloud Service Solutions

Fintech Brothers Limited through ICT Policies of Africa now offers a cloud solution for people and businesses on a global scale.With companies embracing the digital era, it is imperative the users be empowered with knowledge and skills in using digital tools.

Our Solution focuses on three main service models of cloud computing-Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a Service.

Cloud Soutions

Our comprehensive areas of consideration

Reliability & Performance

Finbros ensures your application and systems performs its intended function adequately and operate in a defined environment without failure.

Service Desk

Finbros 24/7 support is about maximising service efficiency, resolving problems and driving continuous service improvement.

Data Security and Governance

Fintech Brothers Limited always protects your digital information from unauthorized access or data theft throughout its entire life-cycle.

Endpoint Management

Client and server endpoints are managed as one estate, ensuring security and stability while maximizing uptime and employee productivity.

In need of our cloud computing service?